We have 2277 Hotels available in New York for you to choose from
We’ve partnered with some of the biggest Hotel brands to provide up to 60% savings when you travel.
Unlike the major travel companies, since we are a membership program, we can pass all our savings to you.Â
Members can also download the ClubRewards app and take advantage of additional local rewards & deals for car rentals, theme parks, restaurants, shopping and so much more.
* Not available to the public and exclusive to Clubs.com Members.
Please Note: The listed prices were found at the time this article was created using random dates to demonstrate your potential savings when booking through Club Rewards. Your specific rates will vary based on your selected travel dates.
If you plan on traveling to New York City take advantage of our Club Rewards Membership. We’ve partnered with some of the biggest Hotel brands to provide up to 60% savings when you travel. During your stay download the Club Rewards app and take advantage of additional local rewards & deals for car rentals, restaurants, shopping and so much more.
These offers are not available to the public and exclusive to Clubs.com Members.Â